前兩天偶然在MU看到這個報導。共和黨的參議員指控歐巴馬此次亞洲行極其鋪張浪費,帶了好幾千人每天會花掉兩百萬美金,其中還包括35艘作戰艦艇。這個指控只要是明眼人一看就知道誇張太多了,總統出訪為什麼需要航空母艦? 把駐守印度洋的第五艦隊當成總統出訪的軍隊部屬那真是笑話一樁。
Coincidentally saw this news at MU about the red hot "200 Millions a day." The accuse about aircraft carrier and navy warships does not make any sense.US 5th fleet is deploying in Indian ocean for decades, they were not there for Obama's trip to Asia.
The report from CNN showed that this "200 million" number has no reliable source, it is quoted from a Indian local press. But this questionable figure is used as a strong accuse toward Obama by many Republicans, even a Senator has used it in an interview with Anderson Cooper. Well, it's easy to strike somebody when he is down, people should have some wisdom to see or infer a reasonable answer instead of fully guided by press or politicians.